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Sketae or Sketes

Sketae are communities of monks, historically established in the greater geographic area of certain monasteries and only after the permit of the cardinal monastery, certified by Patriarchic sigil. Eight of them, with the traditional communal way of organization, are settlements made of huts with a religious and community life center, the Kyriakon (for Sunday). The Kyriakon is complemented by the Refectory, the Guest Quarters and the Library. Head of the monks in a skete is Dikaios who is elected by the convocation of Elders. His term lasts for one year and he manages the affairs of the skete with a committee of two councilors. All of this refers to the traditional, idiorrhythmic sketae, the four coenobic sketae which were erected in the 19th century in the form of a monastery complex are coenobitic. Dikaios serves for life and their building organization has the great monasteries as its model. 

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