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The Protocol of the monastic state dictates that only men are allowed to visit the Holy Mountain of Athos. Visitors must, a few days prior to their arrival, call the…
Fasting is the abstention from specific kinds of food, or from eating altogether. Fasting is intended to cleanse the body and the soul and fortify the will. 
Obedience is one of the most important virtues of monasticism. It is a precondition for modesty which is generally acknowledged as the cornice of all Christian virtues. The Fathers of…
Prayer is the right, obligation and aid for all pious people. For a monk, prayer is his only reason of existing. There are various forms of prayer, for different circumstances…
Service is interwoven with prayer and obedience. There are two kinds of service, “inward”, or esoteric or private, and “outward”, or public. Public service constitutes of the duties shouldered by…
For a man to come face to face with God, in the special way that a monk is called upon to do so, he needs solitude and quiet, without external…
As they approach a monastery, the first thing visitors will notice is that construction-wise, monasteries on Mt. Athos resemble large castles, fortified medieval citadels. An imposing and very tall wall,…
Each one of us is called upon to serve God in many and various ways. Monasticism is a particular calling, a special way for man to serve God and mankind.…